General Dentistry

Dr. Daniel I. Butensky provides outstanding general dentistry services for patients of all ages who visit the Dental Studios. Whether you’re interested in the latest innovation in preventive dental care, cosmetic dentistry, or restorative treatments, you can trust the team of experts to care for your smile from childhood all the way through your senior years. Call today for an appointment at their Summit and Westfield, New Jersey locations. For convenience, try their patient-friendly online scheduling service.

What is general dentistry?

Some dentists focus on one specialty or another, such as pediatric dentistry or periodontal disease. As a  generalist, Dr. Butensky is a primary care dentist who provides dental care to all age groups. His warm and friendly personality and extensive skills make him an excellent choice for family and children’s dentistry as well as senior dental care. His professional training equips him to diagnose, treat, and manage all aspects of your overall dental care.

While Dr. Butensky may choose to refer you to a specialist for certain complex surgical procedures, his general dentistry services include:

  • Gum care to prevent and treat periodontal disease
  • Root canal treatments and dental crowns
  • Other restorative care, including cavity treatment and repair using composite, tooth-colored fillings
  • Cosmetic dentistry that includes Invisalign®, bridges, full and partial dentures, and teeth whitening

What are dental crowns?

A crown (or cap) encases the entire tooth surface, restoring it to its original shape and size. A crown protects and strengthens the tooth, giving the tooth a longer life than those restored with fillings. Dr. Butensky may recommend a crown for:

  • Broken or fractured teeth
  • Cosmetic enhancement
  • Decayed teeth requiring large fillings
  • Fractured fillings
  • Protecting a tooth after root canal treatment

What are composite fillings?

Composite fillings consist of a blend of glass or quartz and plastic resin that’s colored to blend with the remaining part of the natural tooth. Unlike amalgam fillings used in the past, composite fillings are mercury free. Other advantages of using composite fillings for cavity repair include:

  • Natural appearance of the tooth
  • Strength and durability that closely matches natural teeth
  • Less removal of tooth structure
  • Less sensitivity to temperature changes than teeth restored with amalgam

What if I need a tooth extraction?

When a tooth is not repairable, Dr. Daniel I. Butensky may recommend extraction. He keeps your comfort a priority during extraction and uses numbing agents liberally when necessary to prevent pain. For more complex procedures, he may recommend conscious sedation with nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to help you relax. Dr. Daniel I. Butensky is also very selective when it comes to tooth extractions, and won’t hesitate to refer you to an oral surgeon if he feels that’s your best treatment option.

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