Author Archive

I’m Nervous About Getting an Implant

Nervous about getting a dental implant? You’re not alone. Even though the procedure is safe and effective, with a success rate over 95%, many people have anxiety about the implant process. At Dental Studios in Summit and Westfield, New Jersey, our experienced dentists have used dental implants — including the innovative All-on-4® system — to successfully replace missing or diseased teeth for countless […]

Take These Steps Immediately If Your Tooth Gets Knocked Out

You may think your days of losing teeth are part of your childhood past, but every year, more than 5 million children and adults experience knocked-out teeth. While losing a baby tooth may be cause for celebration, a knocked-out adult tooth is a dental emergency.  If your tooth gets knocked out, don’t panic. The experienced dentists at Dental Studios in Summit and […]

How to Care for Your Teeth Between Professional Dental Cleanings

You know that regular dental cleanings at least twice a year are important for your oral health. These visits offer a chance for your dental care team to remove harmful plaque and tartar from your teeth and assess the overall health of your teeth and gums.  At Dental Studios in Summit and Westfield, New Jersey, our dentists want you to enjoy […]

5 Amazing Benefits of Dental Implants You May Not Know

There are plenty of reasons why 5 million dental implants are placed in patients annually in the United States alone.  Not only are dental implants permanent, but they also re-create the symbiotic relationship between the root of a tooth and the bone of the jaw. Without this interaction, you can lose jawbone tissue over time. Those aren’t the only […]

5 Reasons to Consider Veneers

Even the slightest smile imperfections can significantly affect your self-confidence. And no wonder! Your smile is one of the most noticeable and memorable things about you. If dental flaws are taking a toll, there’s an excellent fix that can restore your smile — veneers.  At Dental Studios in Summit and Westfield, New Jersey, our skilled dentists — Daniel Butensky, DMD, […]

Are Your Beverages Staining Your Teeth?

The holiday season is here. With it comes laughter and fun celebrating with family and friends, but some of the drinks you may enjoy as you spread cheer with during the holidays can cause unsightly dental stains.  At Dental Studios in Summit and Westfield, New Jersey, experienced dentists Daniel Butensky, DMD, Stephen T. Busby, DDS, and Meirrel Hosny, DDS, […]

What Are Inlays and Onlays?

You may already be familiar with many types of dental restoration services, like fillings, veneers, crowns, and implants. But many people aren’t familiar with inlays and onlays and the benefits they provide for damaged and decayed teeth.  Our dentists — Daniel Butensky, DMD, Stephen T. Busby, DDS, and Meirrel Hosny, DDS — at Dental Studios provide patients in Summit and Westfield, New Jersey, with […]

Improve Your Smile With Veneers

Smiling and laughing are a natural part of life. But if you have smile imperfections, you may be used to covering up your grin or hiding your smile. Fortunately, you don’t have to let dental flaws control your smile any longer.  At Dental Studios in Summit and Westfield, New Jersey, our dentists, Daniel Butensky, DMD, and Stephen T. […]

Are The Stains on My Teeth Permanent?

Dental stains can affect your self-esteem and make you want to cover your less-than-pearly whites. While many tooth stains you see reside on the surface of your teeth, other discoloration can come from deeper within your tooth. At Dental Studios in Summit and Westfield, New Jersey, many of our patients with stained teeth wonder if the discoloration […]

When Would I Need a Crown?

Dental crowns are custom-made, tooth-shaped dental prosthetics designed to fit comfortably over your entire tooth. Crowns can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, ceramics, resin, stainless steel, gold, or a metal alloy.  If you’ve been told you need a crown to preserve your oral health, you’re not alone. The American Academy of Implant Dentistry reports that over […]